So this is a weird service that I haven't got my head round yet, but I think my prove quite viral and possibly more useful the more "friends" and "interesting people" you have on it...
Basically you post random text as your "twitter" and it ends up in this great public timeline of chatter... you can "ubscribe" to specific people and sift out only the people you follow...weird..maybe?
So Fuff from Fuff Blog is on there, so that's cool, but at the moment there isn't (unless I'm blinded) any way to tag yourself and then do intelligent searches i.e. tag: Sailing....shame, but I'll suggest the feature! Let me know if any of you guys end up on twitter and we can star gaining some value...?
BTW: this mashup of a feed off Twitter random "people pics/video" and ambient music is way cool - http://incident.net/works/flussgeist/waiting/flash/index.html

Ok this is in the same kinda vein as Bla.st, but is kinda more personal. You put up a pic of you, link to your site, tag your profile. They have a front page and a back page which shows random members and theres RSS feeds of various stuff... [update: I just popped up on their front page - way kool!]
Every 24 hours display 100 random avatars on the homepage. Every 5 minutes display 100 random avatars on the backpage. Every day generate "The Daily 20" - a random selection of member sites and create a subscription feed for users to subscribe to via email or their RSS reader. Let users find any and all members by tag or general search.
Another one for you guys to try just to make it easier for people out there to discover you... you know they want to...let them :-)

OK, lastly.. is a UK based sport specialised MySpace typee clone.. not sure about this one, I've registerd (Soulsailor of course). I think it may be a really good site, you can create virtual places for clubs (like Soulsailor Racing Assoc. and Draycote Water S.C that i've created), you can have a blog, they have google map integration, video integration and possibly Flikr but I dont find that yet... at this late hour theres too much on the site for me to make sense, but maybe you can have a look and see what you think...
sailing boat soulsailor web2.0
I dunno what it is tho :)
Twitter is surreal. It says three things to me:
1. There is a massive chasm between people over and under the age of 30. Being 43, I cannot imagine why anyone would use this but my 15 year old probably thinks it's killer.
2. Some people have waaaaaayyyyy too much time on their hands.
3. This web 2.0 thing is starting to reach the point of diminishing returns. Web 3.0 is where the big action is going to be.
I like your blog. Great mix of sailing and web/innovation stuff.
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