...on the virtual property ladder.
Yep I'm close to doing the do, yes I'm sad, yes I find Second Life interesting, and yes I'm close to buying some land...
So what do I do....
Should I buy one of these, 2 storey houses on a little lagood with a bar in the middle (not sufficient space to sail though):

Or what about this piece of land, not much space for building put a fair bit of sailing space in front:

Seriosuly guys what do you think... if you were hanging out in second life and were gonna come and visit me then where would you wanna go?
Its quite tricky to know what to do.. these properties are all on 512 sq metres of land which is the largest land you can own in SL withought incurring monthly fees... I'm hoping as land prices increase so the value of a measely 512 will also increase.. an investment honest!
I might be alone in this but I think you are probably completely off your trolley!
I can't understand the attraction.
Please explain; why do you do it?
As Mark Twain said, "Buy land, they're not making it any more."
Why do I do it Tim..? Well, I deal day-in-day-out in technology, I appreciate what the value it brings now, and more so in the future... its a game, its fun, I can sail, interact with people andif I do something right and have a cool idea I can make some money...
The sailing is interesting, though I havent really gotten into it yet, especially seeing as the nexttime I'll sail an Ent will probably be Feb/March next year... I may get out this year in my dads boat but a bit of virtual sailing is interesting..
It's something you can otally emmerse yourself in or dip in and out when you feel like it... I guess don't knock it 'till you've tried it!
I think I would try it but I just don't have enough time. I've got two Ents to work on through the winter and my studies are taking up loads of time.
I do find myself studying pictures and video clips of Ents racing, its amazing what tips and idea you pick up doing this. I guess this is my way of 'staying in the game' through the winter months.
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