Skandia Team GBR

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Second Life

Ok so I'm a geek and I sail... Now I can be both in Second Life:






Second Life is an on-line virtual reality world, its freakin huge, all "built" by its members (just over 1 million people), it has its own currency which is actual hard-cash, you can be anyone, see anything, make anything and do anything! Its quite amazing that theres this whole economy of buying and selling in-game stuff and real stuff and services and who knows what else within this place...

And there's sailing clubs in there!

Yep I'm a member of Starboard Yacht Club and the Second Life Sailing Federation.

Here's me chilling:

And here's me by Starboard Yacht club watching the racing:


My name in this virtual world is SoulSailor Wind, you have to choose your surname froma list... there's boats you can just pick up for free and sail, I have one of course and I'm thinking of buying a house boat to live on and maybe one of the new "in-world" boats, they have races and everything.

So go on get over to the website, download the game and I'll see you in Second Life real soon for a beer and maybe some sailing...


Tillerman said...

I'm gobsmacked. I'm tempted to say, "Get a life." But then I guess that is what Second Life is all about.

Overboard said...

Yeah, you iz becoming weird.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to play... but its like trying Heroin... itd be great once, but I suspect it's hard to stop after the first time!

Tillerman said...

How does the beer taste in Second Life?

Zen said...

Hmmm great so now one can can issues in two lives at once ! Smashing!