Ok so I'm a geek and I sail... Now I can be both in Second Life:
Second Life is an on-line virtual reality world, its freakin huge, all "built" by its members (just over 1 million people), it has its own currency which is actual hard-cash, you can be anyone, see anything, make anything and do anything! Its quite amazing that theres this whole economy of buying and selling in-game stuff and real stuff and services and who knows what else within this place...
And there's sailing clubs in there!
Yep I'm a member of Starboard Yacht Club and the Second Life Sailing Federation.
Here's me chilling:
And here's me by Starboard Yacht club watching the racing:
My name in this virtual world is SoulSailor Wind, you have to choose your surname froma list... there's boats you can just pick up for free and sail, I have one of course and I'm thinking of buying a house boat to live on and maybe one of the new "in-world" boats, they have races and everything.
So go on get over to the website, download the game and I'll see you in Second Life real soon for a beer and maybe some sailing...
I'm gobsmacked. I'm tempted to say, "Get a life." But then I guess that is what Second Life is all about.
Yeah, you iz becoming weird.
I'd love to play... but its like trying Heroin... itd be great once, but I suspect it's hard to stop after the first time!
How does the beer taste in Second Life?
Hmmm great so now one can can issues in two lives at once ! Smashing!
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