We (Baz, Julie, Jon, Margo, Youngy, Rich, James and me) arrived in the middle of nowhere, after running the gauntlet to Scotland, avoiding (just) Badgers, sheep and rabbits in the middle of the road, well, it was just about a road... Julie had promised that whatever time we arrived the bar would be open, so as we rolled past the club at 2am sure enuff, people were in the club and the bar was open... but someone decided it would be a top idea to get the tents up 1st rather than stumbling blindly (god its dark in scotland and what are those white twinckly things you can see in the sky??) and drunkenly around a field, so 10 mins later me an' James led a few of the other towards the bar (we're good at that)... it was bloody shut... Julie will never be forgiven...
So, Saturday morning came, far too early for me, so i stumbled down to the club and my 1st view of a loch... it was pretty stunning, but i was soon diverted to the smell of coffee and sausages so after a coffee and more gazing at scenery, I figured I was in a good position to go back 2 bed, but James was awake now, so off we went for more coffee and the the brekfasts were ready so, after a few more coffess and top bacon and egg rolls, we were to be found (boats still on the 2 double-stackers) completely chilled, drowning in coffee in the club....
Eventually (1pm ish) we went yachting down to the other end of the loch, 2 races later on the way in, me an' James weighed-up the drinking options and it was decided that once we were showered and the boats put to bed, a swift Gin and Tonic would start the evenings events well...and it certainly did...
So, a few of the more social animals of the Ent fleet arrived in the bar area nice and early, I checked the G&T status, and we were in luck, bought two and found to my complete downfall that they were £1, one pound, each... oh god.... so the round then became 4 G&T's as some of the others saw the G&T light....
The the bar became a SoulSailor sponsored bar (well I stuck a sticker on it!) and as we neared the end of the bottle of Gin on the optics, I enquired about the whereabouts of its soul-mate... there were apparently at least 2 others around, so at this point (well we hadn't had our evening meal yet) we offered to buy the next bottle outright.. .they wouldn't let us! Dissapointed but not beat we carried on G&T'ing....
After eating, thankfully we were still standing, unfortunately we then started dancing.. summat called a Ceilidh (I've sorted the spelling - thanks)

So the rest of the night consisted of the usual Typhoon Prize Draw, more dancing, celebrating birthdays.. Happy Birthday again to Julie and Alison... arm wrestling, "snap", aimless conversations, wandering souls, aimless acts of G&T violence (why did I empty one over someones head and whose head was it anyway??)
In the aftermath of a fantastic night, it was made apparent to us that we hade made our way through around 4/Four bottles of Gin, we'd mixed it with lager, tonic, ginger beer (god that tasted crap) and lemonade....
Four bottles equates to around 104 shots consumed by mainly:
Soulsailor Enterprise G&T Team:
Thanks guys, it was a pleasure (from what I can remember) drinking with you all....
So after sleep, unconscious or whatever else may have been happening around the campsite, we all awoke (just) to a dull morning, after just getting an egg and bacon roll to stay in the stomach region, countless coffees and rigging the boat, we then spent the next few hours (till 2pm) chilling, waking up, detoxing and generally feeling rough....
After lunchtime sailing was looking a very dodgy propsect, and soon after the SI's were changed to allow 2 races to constitute a series.. Tim was happy... so happy he started packing his boat away, sails off, mast down and the boat sack just on ready for a quick getaway, 2nd placed (at this time) Martin, followed suit and had his covers on, he was ready to roll.... thinking of the hours and houtrs of driving to be done, me an James did similar (but not as drastic) boat-away prep and got changes.. now some serious chilling could ahppen while we awaited for the last race to be canned....
So the sun was out it was close to decision time and the breeze filled in, properly... and stayed.... suddenly there were a few groans to be heard as Tim started to re-rig his boat, Martin who may as well have been on hios way home then had to rig the whole damn thing again.. we all sat and watched (didnt help!), I think a few of us learnt some "boat packing" shortcuts and a few new words :-)
So after at least 3 Ents (us included) had a mad dash to get the boats sorted to race and get changed we were off... the wind died slightly which was a shame, but racing was to be had....for the third and final race....
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