- I wanted to sail (for enjoyment!) with my kids
- I wanted something cheap, that holds it's value
- I still want to race (10+ boats racing most Sundays)
Yes, I could probably have got away with an Enterprise, but theres no racing fleet at Draycote, yes there are newer boats, probably more suitable...but they cost more and don't hold their value (remember my Laser.EPS saga).... and yes I could have carried on taking the kids out in my dads Solo, but we couldn't have competed...

The fact is that the Miracle, albeit not my favourite class, it doesn't necessary give me a buzz (yet), but there's a damned good fleet of them at Draycote.
In some quirk of sailing-life-cycle's the guys I sailed against as a teenager in Optimists and 420's etc now have families..and kids.. and are buying Miracles... So some bloody good sailors (including this years Miracle National Champ) sail at Draycote, with their kids... and even more are on the look out for boats to try!
So 2008 is gonna be one hell of a season for the Miracle fleet at Draycote... and me, and my kids especially... so maybe there will be a buzz, enjoyment in sailing with the kids... competition... it's all to play for.
Don't know yet whether I'll do the nationals, it would be cool too, but we shall have to see how the "crew" gets on with the boat and spinnaker (and me in a boat) etc...
Good logic. I think it always makes sense to sail the boat that's popular at your local club. It's a lot more fun sailing against 10 other boats in a class that's sorta kinda OK than sailing around on your own in your dream boat.
That's why I, and then my sons, got into Sunfish sailing when we moved to New Jersey. IMHO it's very much a poor alternative to a Laser but it's what they sailed on the lake across from our house, and all over the North Jersey lakes.
Twenty years later, several North Americans, three Worlds, various Florida midwinter trips, two kids who became junior North Jersey Lakes champions, uncountable Sunday mornings sailing Sunfish together as a family, three summers spent running a kids program in Sunfish, one - only one - regatta win for me in the North Jersey Lakes series, and a gazillion happy memories... I have no regrets.
May you and your kids have as much fun in the Miracle as we did in Sunfish.
Thanks Tillerman, wise words...
Here's to a month or so good sailing before the English winter really bites and then a fantastic 2008 sailing season... for us all!
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