Skandia Team GBR

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Long time...

Time is just not on my side currently, it's trickling away from me faster than the tide...

So, quick re-cap before Monday morning grabs me and the melody-go-round fires off again!

Midland areas at Staunton Harold, 20 boats, kinda dissapointing I think? wind was fairly light, sun was out for a bit then it rained solid for the night and next day! We had a good first race, first round the windward mark, but then lost a fair bit and ended up 6th... after that it went bad...stabalised and basically although it was a good weekend, close racing, great beer (including the Captain G&T that me and Steve invented), broken sleep with the rain thudding on the roof and then more average sailing in the rain...sigh, we ended up 10th.... not happy really with that...again... getting boring this me not being happy with my results!

Then last Sunday I took the kids out in my dads Solo for the first time in a while... Youngest is a bit of a nutter / ninja-crew in the boat... no fear and really loves it, eldest is a little more controlled but once I got him helming he got really into much so that I managed to get 5 mins sat on the foredeck, legs round the mast being a kid again! BVloody fantastic hour and a half sailing!

Then this weekend there was 2 days of "fun" at the club.... Saturday evening there was a BBQ and disco.... the sun was very warm, no breeze the BBQ was great...especially the toasted marshmallows, I had a good few mints of "Hooky", we watched the sun set with the kids playing on the shore and the music drifting out of the clubhouse... I find that kinda think amazingly chilling...

Then today was the inter-fleet champs... 6 teams of 10 or more sailors form the different fleets - Managerie, Fireball, Youth&Juniors, Miracle, Flying 15's and Solo's... very short races (10-15 mins) infront of the club house in either Laser 2's, Laser Vago's or Pico's... I had the pleasure of sailing with Lance (crewing once, we came 4th) and helming twice...first in both :-) the rest of the team had some good races and some bad... my dad capsized in 3rd place on the finish-line in the Pico...not happy! In the end after a stilt-walker, magicion, bouncy-castle, sumo-suit wrestling, sailing demo's, windsurfing have-a-go's and stacks of races.... Youth&Juniors won... well done... we came 4th or 5th but it was a fun day, I think and the wind held up and the sun shone so most people were smiling as they went home.....

Anyway lastly, best give you the recipe for Captain G&T:

Any Good landlord will tell you to stop drinking if you order this becuase in order to drink it you must have drunk way too much already....

The woman at Staunton Harold that served us obviosuly hadnt though it through... so:

Captain G&T
1 measure of Gin
1 measure of Captains Rum
Some Tonic
Shaken and Slurred turns a lovely golden colour and tastes like crap... still and midnight-ish who actually cares...?

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