Ok, so this may not be a true contest and may not even be in context but I think its a good illustrator of what I see happening in the web2.0 / web n.0 space..
Twitter was first, it stormed onto the horizon, broke some barriers, it was a "quick knock-up" but it delivered value, it had that certain zing and everyone was talking about it..but its rough round the edges, its not a polished product but its established itself very quickly as the basis of some call mash-ups that deliver more...
Jaiku is new, its following in the footsteps but has nicely popped out from the shadows... it delivers the same kinda benefits as Twitter, but its a better "product", more shiny, more consumer (less geek?)
I might be wrong and will probably be proved so within a matter of weeks, but it seems that predominantly Twitter will be a great geek platform and Jaiku will be a great consumer product... already Jaiku is lending itself to the Nokia mobile market, whereas Twitter is the basis of Twittervision and other cool mash-ups/disruptors like Twitterment::What ...
The point is when you get an idea, when innovation sparks you into creating something and bringing it to life, or building a product based on someone elses stream of consciousness, you need to decide whether to be platform or product...The web this year will spark both this year and our problem as users, technologists etc is which do we want to use, where is our affinity...product or platform?
[Bonus Link - Stowe Boyd is also in the conversation]
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