Skandia Team GBR

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Single Figures

...Bbbrrrr it was single figures when I drove to work this morning... and songle figures when I drove back again... may have to put my shorty and wetsuit shorts away.... may just keep my Reef's out for a few more weeks!

Apparently the Ent open @ Penarth last weekend was fairly tame affair... not much drinking or fun & games, well me (and James) and Steve weren't there were we...?

Cookie won sailing with Rowley
Tim 'n Salty second

Dunno any more than that..sorry..


Anonymous said...

Tim & Salty were 3rd. Either that or Johnny & Alex nicked off with their second place prizes and gave me the 3rd place ones to deliver to Salty!!

Zen said...
