I recommend that we all ask yourselves some or all of these questions...every now and again..
Is it because we are all competitive?
Is it because we love the water?
Is it because we love boats?
Is is because sailing is relaxing?
Do we strive to win?
Do we want to get away from it all?
Is it to be at one with the wind?
Is it to be consumed by nature?
Is it the challenge of batttling the elements?
Do we have money to burn?
Did our parents force into sailing and we daren't stop?
Do we enjoy it?
Are we addicted?
Is it because our friends do it?
Is it because of the friends we make doing it?
Does it make a great excuse to get drunk?
Does it make me look cool...
Do you look damned sexy in a wetsuit...or a rash vest...
Is it for exercise?
Is it just because..
Does it relax you?
Does it thrill you?
Does it let you be at one with yourselves?
Is it the team work?
Is it for the trophies?
Is it an excuse to travel?
Does it enable you to see the world..
Do you love to make things go fast?
Do you want to have a hobby?
Do you want some skills to pass down to your kids?
Is it for the tactics?
Is it because its like chess on the water?
Is there nothing better to do?
Does water relax you?
Do you like the openess of the ocean?
Do you want to be alone?
Do you want to be in a club?
Do you like salt water?
Do you want a natural rush?
Want to be scared?
Want to be totally calm?
Do you enjoy frustration?
Do you like tactics?
Is it your job?
Do you like wood...fiberglass?
Is it you?

Why the hell do you go sailing?
y,y,n,i love the smell of polyester resin in the morning,y
Because I can't play golf!
I'm going to take up golf when I'm too old to sail.
So that means we will never see you on a golf course.
Cause sailing is something you can do until the very day you die!
damned right OG, golf is for people who cant take life... doesnt matter whether you sail fast or slow... just keep sailing till the end...(the end doesnt come so quick then)
The water is there
the boat is there
The wind is there
I am there
I can
Its good, so very good
the voices tell me to...
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