Skandia Team GBR

Friday, June 16, 2006

Life Stuff

Ok, just a quick Friday evening post before I kick-back and chill and just in case you can't tear yerself away from your PC and you need some "lifesites" to go to...

Just "found" these:

Beach Walks with Rox - this is a blog based on a load of video-blogs, the principle (although recent ones aren't like this) is that she wanders on her favourite hawaain beaches and talks to the camera on "life stuff". Its pretty cool and she even gottan an interview with Robert Scoble the day before he left Microsoft which is kinda cool...and very ironic. Dip your toes into this and try a few...

The second from a Geek perspective is Lifehacker, the productivity and software guide. Daily blasts of ideas, software announcements and stuff to make your life on-line and off-line better..

Oh yeh and lastly, completely out of topic, but hey its my site... Mr.Bill Gates is standing down over the next 2 years and handing the reins to Ray Ozzie... its gotta be a little bit of a shame, but hey by the time that 2 years is up we're gonna be damned glad to have Ozzie... we, Microsoft and the world needs a whole hunk of innovation.. bring it forth...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Ant! Thanks for stopping by Beach Walks. And yes, tho the first 107 shows were indeed in Hawaii, I am working and traveling on the mainland for two+ weeks, and the show goes on. Plenty of Aloha still, just not too many beaches.

I'll try to catch your next skype cast - cool idea.
