Skandia Team GBR

Monday, April 10, 2006

Arrggh..PodCasts outta Gas!

Ok the worst thing in the world happened this morning (actually technically speaking it was last night when my ipod last synched)..

Got into the car, browsed my podcasts and arrggh no techie pod-casts left un-listened to..

On a previous post about my motorway listening pleasures I listed around 8 or so "casts" that I've been regularly listening to and catching up on (I was a late starter!).. but as of today I am totally upto date... its a tragedy!

It takes some doing to catch-up with the Gillmor Gang, most of those podcasts are over an hour, lots of rambings but usually interesting, but now I'm there.. I had a crappy long week last week so I'm currently in a state of tiredness and mental fatigue so I coped not listening to them... Luckily (maybe) I hit traffic on the way in today so managed to spend about 20 minutes watching a few video's.. namely Geek Entertainment TV was on what is "Adaptive Path" - still don't know, the video was at a party and most came up with random, drunken responses.. I wish (but my head doesn't) we had more of this kind of thing in the UK..

Just looked the up and their site says:

"...We create products that redefine categories, improve people's lives, and deliver measurable results..."
All sounds very interesting..maybe...

I was then going to have a catch-up on to 10 video podcasts (sister to channel 9) but some how iTunes had managed to remove from my iPod all of them except one I had already listnened to!

Writing blog posts is great.. while I was "researching" this and looking up "AdaptivePath" I came across the Web 2.0 Show which they've featured on. Excellent I haven't listened to thm, and there loads of content... best check this out tonight and get some more aural drive-time fodder...

Now I am happy... hopefully.

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