Skandia Team GBR

Thursday, May 04, 2006

From the Creators of..


Its happened.. I've created a video!

I took the extremely random footage from Bewl Valley SC Enterprise Open last weekend and mashed it up into...well a fairly poor attempt at a video... lets face it, it was too dark.. next time I'll video bright happy sailing faces on the water, or get them to turn the lights on in the club... Anyway.. you can view this errrmm video below or by searching for soulsailor stuff at JumpCut

Maybe enjoy, maybe whince, sorry... no people were harmed in the making off this but I think my ego's about to get a battering.... Think of it as the first of an ever "getting better" audio-visual treat!

1 comment:

Tillerman said...

You definitely have Hollywood potential - but don't give up your day job just yet.