This time it was the EMEA Collaboration Tour 2006, all about Sharepoint technologies, Real Time Collaboration (RTC) and the whole Microsoft collaboration strategy...
So after trecking down south and across London, having a great Japenese lunch with 'J' and then rockin' up at some swanky hotel, downed a coffee and straight into the keynote which was bloody marvellous... Dr. Carsten Sorensen spoke about striking the right balance betwen structured and chaotic communication and this was fascinating, he tied the theoretical into the actual (MS stack) really well and was bloody entertaining too... I want this guy to speak to our customers..then they'd get "it" most definately...
The rest of the day was pretty good too, a good mixture of demo's slides and strategy speak, no rocket science or gossip or breakthrough news but some good customer/sales messaging that I've took away with me...
The free bar at the end of the session was good..they served sushi and other nibbles and a load of wine etc...nice just what you need when you plan to finish writing a presentation on the way home... I just about managed to collaborate my brain and hands an dlaptop together to make some sense..possibly...
Oh yeh BTW for doing the "feedback thing" we got a SharePoint Products and Technologies clock... it does the date time and temperature and has an

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